Sunday, January 5, 2014

Complete Works of Shakespeare 1

I thought my discovery of this three-volume, oversized, complete-works set was a terrific buy at a bargain-rack seven dollars at my favorite used book store in the summer of 2004. The timing was perfect too, since I would be leaving in August for a semester of study in London, England. In preparation for my trip I was expected to read a number of Shakespeare's plays, including The Tempest (1-42), a play about a duke of Milan named Prospero who had been forced abroad and abandoned on a magical island for almost twenty years. Fortunately, my semester didn’t feel like exile at all and despite the fact that this book was far too large to take with me, I was able to see most of its contents performed by professional companies in the UK that semester.

Shakespeare, William. The Complete Works of Shakespeare, from the Original Text: Comedies. Secaucus, NJ: Wellfleet Press, 1987. (one of a set of three volumes)

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